Public Information Requests
The Texas Public Information Act (the “Public Information Act” or the “Act”) gives the public the right to request access to government information.
Submit Your Request
All people who request public information have the right to:
- Receive treatment equal to all other requestors
- Receive a statement of estimated charges in advance (note: any costs associated with this request will be processed in accordance with Government Code, Chapter 552 and the Attorney General Cost Administrative Rules)
- Choose whether to inspect the requested information, receive a copy of the information, or both
- Be notified when the governmental body asks the OAG for a ruling on whether the information may or must be withheld
- Be copied on the governmental body’s written comments to the OAG stating the reason why the stated exceptions apply
- Lodge a complaint with the OAG cost rules administrator regarding any improper charges for responding to a public information request
- Lodge a complaint with the OAG Hotline or the county attorney or criminal district attorney, as appropriate, regarding any alleged violation of the Act
Information on Open Government at the Texas Attorney General’s Web site, including how to file a request, what to expect, and how to follow-up.
You can also download a PDF of the Public Information Act Handbook from the OAG.
To file a public information request with Central Health, please download and complete the PDF form, then email it to
Your request will be received by a member of Central Health’s compliance team and processed. A member of our team will contact you as soon as possible to follow up.